We invite you to come with us on a journey, and discover how Sun Villages is turning housing on its head. The orientation tour will teach you the basics of this new and revolutionary housing model. We’ll explore the following topics:

  1. How the conventional housing model hurts you and me.
  2. How other pioneers have challenged the status quo, and succeeded… up to a point.
  3. The true cost of a fence (or how much money de-fencing can save you).
  4. The magic ingredient in the Sun Villages formula.
  5. Opportunities in an unstable world.

If you’re anything like us, you might be thinking, ‘That sounds interesting, but I know how these things work—I waste my time reading through all these teasers, then at the end you want big $$$ for the real info!

So full disclosure, right up front: the information is all 100% free. If, after learning about the model, you want to pinch our ideas and start your own village somewhere… that’s perfectly fine! In fact, we encourage it!! We didn’t create this model to make money for ourselves and fund our retirement on some island. We created it because we saw the need. We look forward to a day when the model is empowering everyday people, all over Australia, to realise their wealth and use it to provide for themselves, their families and their local communities—not for the big banks, fund managers and other corporations. This is our vision and we want to share it with you.

Sun Villages is a community-funded model. If, by the end of the tour, you’re as excited as we are, there are opportunities to invest in this future with us—but that’s entirely up to you.


Stina's signature
Garry's signature

Stina and Garry Kerans
Sun Villages founders and de-fencers

Start your Sun Villages orientation tour

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